Odyssey consult, design, supply, implement and support a wide range of infrastructure services.
In terms of infrastructure, this is Odyssey’s forte. We exercise our knowledge on back end solutions to deliver enterprise systems for schools. Our in-house team of specialists can help you towards a successful project for all your enterprise technology needs ranging from server infrastructure to networking solutions and from wireless systems to cloud solutions.
Working closely with our partners we are able to supply and deliver virtual clusters, converged and hyper converged solutions and server processing to meet any size school or trust. For your networking solutions speak to us about our free design and consultancy services for schools. We will attend site, understand your schools individual requirements and design your new network solution for you. We also offer the same service for your wireless requirements, our free wireless survey can help you really plan for the best possible outcomes for your system and ensure that it can cope with the modern day demands of BYOD! And last but not least our Cloud solution specialists can help you transition to the cloud be it using the latest tools from Microsoft or Google, or perhaps you are interested in Infrastructure and Servers as a service?
The Centre, 3 St Mary's Rd
Bedfordshire, LU1 3JA
01582 437 110
Registered Company No. 9826069
VAT Registration No. 230 6285 30
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