Tailored to your

Primary School or Academy

We work with Primary Schools, Secondary Schools and Colleges across the UK. For example, when it comes to Multi-Academy Trusts we work with all levels of stakeholders to promote economies of scale from a financial and technological perspective – creating significant value for our customers.

How we do it?

• Learning outcomes for KS1 & 2; helping to find age appropriate technology which engages and challenges.


• Financial constraints placed on some primary schools; needing budgets to stretch for the life cycle of your IT and looking at intelligent ways to stretch smaller budgets.


 Breaking through the jargon and helping everyone to understand complex IT talk; we aim to make IT simple and understanding,  so we are all speaking the same language!

At Odyssey we are able to cater for a large number of IT related requirements, providing in-house professional services or through our trusted partner program. We have worked tirelessly to build relationships with appropriate and localised IT partners. Our vendor and distribution relationships spanning over a combined 35 years mean we can deliver almost anything at a competitive cost with significant value added services for our customers.

Primary Schools

Odyssey Education have vast experience in advising, supplying and supporting IT systems designed specifically for primary schools. Our aim is to always be consultative, honest and education focussed.

Jansel House, Hitchin Road,

Luton, LU2 7XH






01582 320 574



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